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The Complete Java Masterclass: Learn Java From Scratch (16 hours)

The Complete Java Masterclass: Learn Java From Scratch (16 hours)

The Complete Java Masterclass: Learn Java From Scratch (16 hours)


What you'll learn
Gain Essential Skills To Apply For Junior Java Developer Positions
Learn Java Programming Right From the Basics Like Accepting User Input, Variables, Data Types, Performing Arithmetic Operations, Arrays, Control Structures, Usage of Loops to Repeat a Set of Instructions
Be Able To Answer Java Developer Interview Questions
Learn, Understand & Implement How Object Oriented Programming Works In Java & Learn The OOP Way Of Solving Programming Problems
Learn How To Manipulate Strings In Java Using The String Class & String Methods, Build A Password Validator, Frequency Counter & Find & Replace Program
Solve Complex Coding Challenges Based on Real World Applications
Learn Java Collections Like Array List, Linked List, Hash Set & Tree Set
Learn How to Use Access Specifiers as Public, Private & Protected To Regulate Access To Classes
Learn How Packages & Interfaces Work In Java, Create Java Packages, Implement Access Specifiers With Packages, User Interfaces To Create A Program To Implement Banking Rules
Learn About Java Collections Framework, ArrayList, Linked List, HashSet, Linked HashSet, TreeSet Along With Their Associated Methods
Learn Lambda Expressions, Block Lambdas & Generic Functional Interfaces
Learn & Implement Generics, Generic Methods, Generics With Multiple Parameters & Generic Bounded Types
Learn & Understand How Multithreading Works In Java, Create a New Thread, Reference Main Thread & Life Cycle of a Thread

No prior programming experience is required

The Complete Java Masterclass: Learn Java From Scratch

Here Is What You Get By Enrolling In This Course:

Word-By-Word Explanation: In the entire course, I explain each line of code, without skipping a single line of code.

Awesome Quality Content: Over 16+ hours of HD Videos.

Well Structured & Easy To Learn: Course has been specially designed to make it easy for the students to learn Java in a simple manner.

24 X 7 Support: I will always be there to guide you in your journey to become Python expert.

Here Is Everything You Will Learn In This Complete Course:

In this hands-on course, you will learn Java right starting from scratch to the level where you can write complex Java programs using concepts like OOP, Inheritance, Interfaces, Generics etc.

This course will teach you Java right from scratch from a very basic level and will gradually move you towards more advanced topics.

In addition to the concepts taught, this course also has specially designed Practice Examples which will challenge you and make you think and test what you have learned.

The Complete Course is divided into 12 Major sections.

Here is a brief description of what you will learn in each section.

Section 1: Installing required tools.

In this section we will learn how to download and install the required tools and setup the development environment to start programming in Java.

Section 2: Data types, Arrays & Accepting user input.

In this section we will learn about the different types of data types in Java. We will learn about primitive and non-primitive data types in Java and also how they are different from each other. In primitive data types we will learn about int, char, float & boolean. In case of the non-primitive data types, we will cover Arrays. In addition to data types, we will also learn about the "Scanner" class which allows us to accept data from the user via the input console. We also learn how to create a very interesting program for calculating interest.

Section 3: Conditional & Loops.

In this section we will broadly cover two major topics i.e conditionals & loops. We will start off with an introduction to the "if" conditional statement and will learn how program flow can be changed using the conditional statement. Before writing the code for the conditional "if" we first in depth about how exactly the conditional statements work internally. We then take a coding example to understand the if statement and also learn about how we can nest together multiple "if" statements.

We then learn about the switch case which is also a conditional which can be used to alter the flow of execution of a program. After which we move ahead to learn about logical operators which play a major role in conditionals and in deciding the flow of execution of a program. We cover logical "AND" & "OR" operators in Java and use them with conditionals.

Next we learn about loops, the for and the while loop which allow us to iterate or repeat a set of code multiple number of times. We also learn how to use these loops to iterate through an array to access individual array elements. We also learn about a special for loop called as the enhanced for loop which can also be used to iterate an array.

Now that we know how to use loops to iterate arrays, we now dive deeper into multi-dimensional array. We also write a Java program to find odd & even numbers from a given array, we perform this task using a combination of conditionals, arrays & loops.

To further strengthen the concepts we learned, we also have a set of challenging practice examples at the end of this section.

Section 4: Object Oriented Programming.

OOP is the heart and code of Java and hence in this section we spend a great deal of time to understand and learn Object Oriented Programming in Java. We start off by learning what exactly does OOP mean and how the OOP methodology works. We then learn about how to create objects and classes in Java and see how objects are created internally.

We then learn about class methods and learn their significance in OOP. We write different methods, make methods return values and also learn how to create class methods that accept parameters. After which we learn about constructors which help us to initialise classes in Java and also learn how to create parametrised constructors.

We then move on to learn the "this" keyword in Java and it's significance, we take an example to learn how "this" keyword can be used to access instance variables and class methods. We then learn about method overloading and constructor overloading and take an example to overload class methods in Java.

We then learn about access modifiers in Java and use them in conjunction with class attributes and methods. We learn about access modifiers such as public, private & protected and learn in depth about how they allow certain part of the code to be shared and to be kept hidden.

Up next, we learn about inheritance which is another most important features of Java. We learn how to make a class inherit attributes and methods of other classes using the extends keyword. We just don't cover the regular inheritance but also cover Hierarchical and Multi-level inheritance as well.

Marching ahead we learn about method overriding and learn how to override methods form the parent class in Java. We also learn how to prevent method overriding using the "final" keyword.

Section 5: Exception handling.

In this section we learn, what are exceptions? How exceptions can be thrown, caught & handled. We learn how to use try blocks to enclose the exception prone code such that we can handle an exception when it occurs. We will also learn how to nest multiple try blocks inside each other to catch multiple exceptions in a given program. Apart from this we also learn how to create our very own custom exceptions and also how to throw them when needed.

This section is also backed by a solid set of practice example, one to handle invalid user ID and other one to handle negative bank deposits.

Section 6: Java I/O

This section deals with the basic I/O operations in Java i.e reading input from user, displaying output to the user, reading from files, writing to files etc. In this section we will cover a couple of classes from the Java I/O package and also their methods which allow us to perform I/O operations. We start off by learning how Java I/O works and then learn about the BufferedReader class which is used to accept user input and the PrintWriter class used to display the output to the user. We will also learn how to read and write data to the files using the associated classes. At the end, we write a program which can store data into a file so that even if the program execution ends, the data would still be preserved in the file.

Section 7: Strings

This section is all about string class and its methods. String is one of the most widely used data structure in Java and hence we learn and understand various string methods. Some of the string method which will be covered in this section are length, charAt, getChar, toCharArray, equals, regionMatches, substring, concat, toUpperCase, toLowerCase.

In addition to this we also learn about the StringBuffer class as well which has the exact same methods as the string class but is immutable.

This section also includes a challenging set of practice examples like a password length validator, frequency counter, password checker & a find and replace program.

Section 8: Packages & Interfaces.

We will learn about what are Packages in Java, why they are required and how to create and use them. We will also learn how access modifiers can be used with packages to prevent access to certain classes and its methods. We also learn about interfaces, how they are created and why they are required.

As a practice example we will build a mini banking software that makes use of interfaces to impose banking rules.

Section 9: Java collections.

We learn what are Java collections, what is an ArrayList, how to implement an ArrayList and also learn multiple ArrayList methods which allow us to add items or objects to the ArrayList and manipulate them. We will also learn about LinkedList and learn how to create a LinkedList and use LinkedList methods to manipulate items inside a LinkedList. In a similar way we also learn about List interface, HashSet, LinkedHashSet & TreeSet along with their respective methods.

Section 10: Lambda Expressions.

In this section we cover lambda expressions and its usage, we will learn how to write a lambda expression in Java along with a functional interface. We will also learn how to enclose a chunk of code into lambdas using block lambdas. We will also learn about using generic functional interface and how to pass arguments to a lambda expression

Section 11: Generics.

This section covers generics in java, we will first start off with an introduction to generics and then will actually implement generics using a coding example. We will learn how to add multiple parameters to a generic, the different generic methods and bounded type generics.

Section 12: Multithreading.

Multithreading is another important concept in the Java programming language. In this section we study multithreading in detail. We will learn what is a thread, what is a life cycle and different stages of a thread. We will learn how to reference and access the main thread in a Java program and how to manipulate it. We will also learn about different ways to create a thread in Java i.e using the runnable interface and using a thread class. We will also create multiple threads and observe how they behave and execute in a multithreaded environment.

To conclude we will also learn about a couple thread methods such as the join and the yield method which can be performed on a thread.

So let's begin the journey of becoming an expert Java Programmer.

In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me directly and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!
Make sure to enrol in the course before the price changes.

Take yourself one step closer towards becoming a professional Java developer by clicking the "take this course button" now!

Join the journey.


Ashutosh Pawar

Who this course is for:
Students who are complete beginners to Java
Students who know other programming languages and want to learn Java
Students who aspire to work as a Java developerInstructional Design Course: All Levels Beginner to Advanced (7 hours)

What you'll learn
UNDERSTAND the instructional design system or methodology for e-learning
RECOGNIZE the different aspects of instructional design
COMPREHEND some of the key principles of instructional design and learn how to apply the same while creating content.
BECOME competent in essential skills that helps in enhancing the writing
DISCOVER the steps involved in developing content
LEARN to write instructional design content
TAKE IN the ability to draft good content for instructional design
GAIN advanced research skill that helps you to write on any topic
LEARN the difference between computer-based and web-based learning
DEVELOP effective tools for the assessment
ACQUIRE the knowledge to prepare academic guide, whitepapers and study material
MASTER the graphic skill to design PPT, and newsletter
GAIN proficiency in acquiring the expertise to design website
SKILL to identify the target audience
DEVELOP language skills that help in recognizing grammatical errors, and understand the usage of punctuation and expand the vocabulary

Longing new learning experience
Know the basics of English language that help in understanding the course content
Do you think you have the necessary skills and technique for developing effective e-learning solutions in instructional design?

Do you want to be able to convert information into rich learning content?

There is no better gateway than HENRY HARVIN to reach your goals!

Behind every website, app, webinar, online course, or workshop is the work of an instructional designer. Instructional design is a process that covers the methodology, skills, and techniques needed for developing effective e-Learning solutions. This process involves learning of theories, frameworks, planning of the project, and gain expertise in content, communication, writing the content, and the use of technology to build experiences for today’s learners.

The course helps in making you agile and adaptable. With this, the students can synthesize unfamiliar content, evaluate new technologies, and develop learning solutions that best meet the needs of a diverse audience.

It will help students to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate their own e-learning courses and select appropriate e-learning tools. The course also facilitates students to work together to produce learning experiences using today’s media and technologies and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and creativity related to e-Learning instructional design

This course will help you to gain:

Understanding in the instructional design system or methodology for e-learning

Recognizing the different aspects of instructional design

Comprehending the key principles of instructional design and its application while creating content.

Becoming competent in essential skills that helps in enhancing the writing

Discovering the steps involved in developing content

Learning to write instructional design content

Taking in the ability to draft good content for instructional design

Gaining advanced research skill that helps you to write on any topic

Learning the difference between computer-based and web-based learning

Develop effective tools for assessment

Acquiring the knowledge to prepare academic guide, whitepapers and study material

Mastering the graphic skill to design PPT, and newsletter

Gaining proficiency in acquiring the expertise to design website

Skill to identify the target audience

Manage your e-learning projects efficiently using different methodologies

Developing language skills that help in recognizing grammatical errors, and understand the usage of punctuation and helps in expanding the vocabulary

With this course, you will be able to design professional, instructionally sound e-Learning courses in a short span of time and will help you can create an impressive e-Learning portfolio that is a must to showcase your expertise.

This course is appropriate for an aspiring or a seasoned instructional designer having professional experience. All you need to do is come prepared and start your learning journey.

It is a course designed by the experts in the field with an experience of over a decade adorned with all the necessary skills to become an expert in designing such courses.

Taking up this course will help you:

Become more skilled in writing your content for e-Learning course

Learn to reach specific goals within a short time span

Observe a great improvement in your writing ability

Increase your self-confidence in writing

The course is packed with:

To make the whole process of learning easy this course is equipped with Experience of the Trainers who are from the same industry.

Loads of real-life examples that will give you an insight into the course and will brush up your writing skill.

A lot of tips in writing and ample advice straight from the horse’s mouth that is from the industry experts that will help you kick start your journey as the content expert in developing e-Learning courses.

Words of appreciation from our Students:

1. “It is undoubtedly a very good course for a beginner to understand the technical aspect and have complete knowledge of e-learning. It gives a vivid description of every aspect of the course. I feel good that I have joined it.” Pushpendra Yadav

2. “It is a great course to have a successful career in instructional designing and it will provide also you with everything you need to be the best in your field. I learned a lot from it. ” Olivia Alexander

3. “I like the flow of the course as it starts slowly but moves ahead with lots of practical examples. The faculty was well- versed with the subject and it showed they have extensive experience from the field.” Nazim Azam

4. “This course will take me a long way in my career journey. I am so happy that I did this course as it is certainly a very good one for a person of my ability. It is good for beginners as well as people with advanced knowledge. ” Naresh Narang

5. “It is the best course I have done with the best of the faculty members as it was a very informative one with all the necessary ingredients to get equipped with all the skills.” Kartik Singh

Who this course is for:
Aspiring Instructional Designers
Experienced instructional Designers
Human Resource Professional
Digital Marketers / Marketers personnel / Sales personnel / Business Development professionals
Entrepreneurs/Business owners who want to scale up their business
Professors / Teachers / Trainers
Bloggers / Content Writers
Retired / Unemployed individuals
Aspiring entrepreneurs
Professionals from Corporates

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