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Android studio (java) with SQLite browser & excel reporting


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What you'll learn

Create a new android studio project

Create a small database using SQLite

Generate 1000s of records in excel to simulate the database

Insert records in app database

Insert the generated records in excel into app database

Request a permission to the user, so we can save files in device storage

Create reports in app and save them in device as CSV files

Create one report then save it as CSV, and create several reports then save them in separated CSV files in one click


basics in android studio ( java & XML ), basics in SQLite and excel


In this course we will learn how to create a new android studio project, create a SQLite database and generate 1000's of records using Excel to simulate the app, and then we will insert all generated records into our app's database.

The database is about a school

  * we have levels: Elementary School, Middle School, High school, University

  * we have grades: First grade, Second grade, Third grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade, Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade, Ninth       grade, Tenth grade, Eleventh grade, Twelfth grade, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior.

  * we have subjects: English, Math, Sciences, Physics

  * we have 600 students

  *we have 2400 tests

We are going to:

1. Create the android project

2. Create the activities

  o menu activity ( java & XML )

  o levels activity ( java & XML )

  o grades activity ( java & XML )

  o subjects activity ( java & XML )

  o students activity ( java & XML )

  o tests activity ( java & XML )

  o test's result activity ( java & XML )

  o insert activity ( java & XML ), to insert the generated records

  o design of result ( XML )

3. Create the database using SQLite

  o Tables ( levels, grades, subjects, students, tests)

  o View

4. Generate 1000’s of records in excel to simulate the app

5. Insert the generated records into SQLite browser

6. Insert the generated records into app’s database

7. Request a permission to access the device storage

8. Download the test’s results to device storage as CSV files

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